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Category:Dragon's Dogma 2 - Head Armor

Dragon's Dogma 2 Blazing Soul.webp

Head Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 are pieces of protective gear worn on a character's head or face. They offer defense against various types of magical or physical attacks and provide resistance to different elements and negative effects. These headpieces, such as helmets, caps, hoods, circlets, masks, and glasses, not only shield the character but also alter their appearance. You can customize your character's defense and style by choosing different combinations of helmets to get the best armor defence/weight ratio.

For detailed information about each head armor piece, including its stats, upgrade requirements, and where to find them, refer to the linked helmet pages below.

Name Image Defense Magick Def Slash Def Strike Def Knockdown Res Element Res Debilitation Res Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Aerie's Watch Dragon's Dogma 2 Aerie's Watch.webp 25 20 1 0 9 None Blighted +12%
1.32 8900 2970 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Agamenian Galea Dragon's Dogma 2 Agamenian Galea.webp 100 35 0 0 36 Ice Damage +5%
Lightning Damage +5%
Frostbite +10%
Drenched +12%
Tarred +12%
2.66 44900 14970 WarriorWarfarer
Allesian Oxhide Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Allesian Oxhide Hood.webp 28 0 10 0 12 None None 1.3 5900 1970 FighterThiefWarriorWarfarer
Amber-Rimmed Glasses Dragon's Dogma 2 Amber Rimmed Glasses.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Bandit Eyepatch Dragon's Dogma 2 Bandit Eyepatch.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Battahli Turban Dragon's Dogma 2 Battahli Turban.webp 38 70 0 0 16 None Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
Tarred +4%
1.94 12600 4200 ArcherMageThiefSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Beastren Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Beastren Mask.webp 15 10 0 0 5 None Blighted +8% 0.81 8700 2900 All Vocations
Beseecher's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Beseechers Hood.webp 4 5 0 0 2 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Frostbite -2% 0.24 295 100 MageSorcererWarfarer
Bishop's Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Bishops Crown.webp 24 52 3 3 17 None None 2 19800 6600 MageSorcererWarfarer
Blazing Soul Dragon's Dogma 2 Blazing Soul.webp 95 40 0 2 27 None Sleep +25% 2.89 56700 18900 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Cavalier Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Cavalier Hat.webp 90 50 2 2 22 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
1.77 44900 14970 ArcherWarfarer
Cleric's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Clerics Hood.webp 65 120 0 0 15 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
Blighted +2%
Silence +2%
1.69 56700 18900 MageWarfarer
Confidant's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Confidants Hood.webp 88 73 0 0 18 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
1.62 33500 11170 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Crown of Insight Dragon's Dogma 2 Crown of Insight.webp 30 45 5 5 5 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2% 0.63 15800 5270 MageSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Crusader's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Crusaders Helm.webp 66 59 0 2 18 None None 2.33 19900 6640 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Dawn Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Dawn Hood.webp 42 38 0 0 19 None Sleep +2%
Silence +5%
1.2 13800 4600 Mystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Deadly Nightshade Dragon's Dogma 2 Deadly Nightshade.webp 60 125 0 0 24 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +10%
Frostbite +10%
2.27 56700 18900 SorcererWarfarer
Decapitator Dragon's Dogma 2 Decapitator.webp 18 11 6 0 10 None Silence +2% 0.8 6210 2070 FighterThiefWarriorWarfarer
Devotee's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Devotees Hood.webp 13 25 0 0 8 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2% 0.6 6400 2140 MageWarfarer
Disciple's Spectacles Dragon's Dogma 2 Disciples Spectacles.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Doomdove Turban Dragon's Dogma 2 Doomdove Turban.webp 40 71 0 1 11 None Sleep +10% 1.82 18000 6000 TricksterWarfarer
Dragon Knight's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon Knights Helm.webp 99 105 0 0 22 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
2.42 44900 14970 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Dyed-Cloth Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Dyed Cloth Mask.webp 5 3 0 0 4 None Tarred +2% 0.47 283 95 ThiefWarfarer
Eventide Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Eventide Mask.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Falconian Beak Dragon's Dogma 2 Falconian Beak.webp 44 18 0 0 14 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +1%
Torched +4%
Frostbite +2%
Sleep +4%
2 14400 4800 ThiefWarfarer
Farseer's Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Farseers Circlet.webp 17 32 0 -1 12 Fire Damage +4%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +8%
Frostbite +4%
0.6 23490 7830 All Vocations
Felt Cap Dragon's Dogma 2 Felt Cap.webp 5 4 0 0 2 None Tarred +4% 0.5 280 95 ArcherWarfarer
Fiendish Armet Dragon's Dogma 2 Fiendish Armet.webp 80 34 2 2 24 None None 2.89 34600 11540 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Filcher Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 Filcher Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5900 1800 All Vocations
Friar's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Friars Hood.webp 31 22 0 0 10 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Blighted +2%
1.24 8100 2700 SorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Galewind Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Galewind Helm.webp 74 50 0 5 14 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Tarred +8%
1.8 34800 11600 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Gazer's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Gazers Hood.webp 30 30 0 0 13 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
1.31 8800 2940 ThiefWarfarer
Gladiator's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Gladiators Helm.webp 30 11 0 1 6 Ice Damage -1% Frostbite -2% 1.69 5800 1940 WarriorWarfarer
Gnostic Wings Dragon's Dogma 2 Gnostic Wings.webp 40 50 0 0 9 None None 1.32 13400 4470 All Vocations
Griffin-Feather Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Griffin Feather Hood.webp 60 30 0 0 18 None Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
1.42 23800 7940 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Gryphic Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Gryphic Helm.webp 63 30 0 0 21 Lightning Damage +2% Drenched +5% 2.54 24800 8270 FighterWarfarer
Half-Frame Glasses Dragon's Dogma 2 Half Frame Glasses.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Hard-Leather Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Hard Leather Helm.webp 14 6 0 0 5 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Tarred +5%
1.3 1890 630 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Hood of Darkness Dragon's Dogma 2 Hood of Darkness.webp 90 55 0 0 11 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.4 56700 18900 ThiefWarfarer
Hood of Nonentity Dragon's Dogma 2 Hood of Nonentity.webp 65 90 10 10 14 None Blighted +8% 1.86 30000 10000 FighterArcherThiefWarriorTricksterWarfarer
Howling Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Howling Hood.webp 22 20 0 10 15 Fire Damage -1% Sleep +8% 1.17 3900 1300 FighterArcherMageThiefWarriorWarfarer
Illuminary Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Illuminary Crown.webp 35 73 0 0 11 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
1.25 24400 8140 MageTricksterWarfarer
Iron Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Iron Helm.webp 20 9 1 1 15 Fire Damage +1% Torched +2% 1.58 4400 1470 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Laurel Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Laurel Circlet.webp 65 65 0 0 15 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +2% 1.44 26000 8600 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Leafshade Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Leafshade Hood.webp 32 41 0 0 6 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
0.85 12600 4200 SorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Leather Eyepatch Dragon's Dogma 2 Leather Eyepatch.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
0.3 6700 2000 All Vocations
Lion-Lord's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Lion Lords Helm.webp 76 55 0 0 9 Lightning Damage +5% Sleep +2% 2.45 35000 11670 ThiefWarfarer
Living Altar Dragon's Dogma 2 Living Altar.webp 70 120 2 2 15 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10%
Drenched +10%
1.51 20 Wyrmslife Crystals 14970 TricksterWarfarer
Lordly Eyepatch Dragon's Dogma 2 Lordly Eyepatch.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Marcher's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Marchers Helm.webp 200 30 0 0 402 None None 0.55 1220 400 All Vocations
Mask of Concealment Dragon's Dogma 2 Mask of Concealment.webp 9 17 0 0 8 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage -2%
Torched +10%
Frostbite -5%
Blighted +8%
0.5 6210 2070 All Vocations
Meloirean Cyclops Veil Dragon's Dogma 2 Meloirean Cyclops Veil.webp 41 16 0 0 15 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10% 2.34 7250 2420 WarriorWarfarer
Midnight Turban Dragon's Dogma 2 Midnight Turban.webp 60 46 -2 -2 9 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
2.26 26000 8670 ThiefTricksterWarfarer
Monarch's Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Monarchs Crown.webp 90 50 1 1 30 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Torched +5%
Frostbite +5%
2.38 44900 14970 FighterWarfarer
Monocle Dragon's Dogma 2 Monocle.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Nose-Pinchers Dragon's Dogma 2 Nose Pinchers.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Oracular Veil Dragon's Dogma 2 Oracular Veil.webp 28 9 0 2 18 Fire Damage -2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched -5%
Frostbite +5%
0.89 13410 4470 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Persecutor's Horns Dragon's Dogma 2 Persecutors Horns.webp 76 50 0 0 28 None None 1.45 33500 11170 WarriorTricksterWarfarer
Plumed Cap Dragon's Dogma 2 Plumed Cap.webp 20 14 0 0 10 None Drenched +8% 0.62 3900 1300 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Predator's Maw Dragon's Dogma 2 Predators Maw.webp 85 45 0 2 17 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
2.28 44900 14970 ArcherWarfarer
Promethean Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Promethean Hood.webp 65 115 0 0 15 Fire Damage +5% Torched +5%
Frostbite +2%
1.6 44900 14970 SorcererWarfarer
Prowler Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 Prowler Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 3200 1000 All Vocations
Ravager-Lord's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Ravager Lords Helm.webp 63 40 0 0 21 Fire Damage -2%
Ice Damage -2%
Lightning Damage -2%
Torched -4%
Frostbite -4%
Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
1.57 19500 6500 WarriorWarfarer
Redstitch Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Redstitch Hood.webp 15 35 0 0 8 None Silence +2% 1 9450 3150 MageSorcererWarfarer
Round-Frame Glasses Dragon's Dogma 2 Round Frame Glasses.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Ruminant Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Ruminant Circlet.webp 30 30 0 0 12 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5% 0.91 9900 3300 MageSorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Sage's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Sages Hood.webp 41 45 0 2 13 None Sleep +12% 1.33 14500 4840 ArcherSorcererMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Salamander Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Salamander Mask.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Scale Band Dragon's Dogma 2 Scale Band.webp 14 14 0 0 3 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +2%
Drenched +2%
0.8 5990 2000 MageThiefSorcererMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Scout's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Scouts Hood.webp 9 6 0 0 4 None None 0.62 1012 340 ArcherMageMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Sentry's Coif Dragon's Dogma 2 Sentrys Coif.webp 8 3 0 0 6 None None 1.04 710 240 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Sergeant's Armet Dragon's Dogma 2 Sergeants Armet.webp 46 22 0 0 12 None None 2.45 15400 5140 WarriorWarfarer
Serpentine Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Serpentine Circlet.webp 11 26 2 2 6 None Sleep +2% 0.7 6300 2100 MageSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Shrouded Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Shrouded Helm.webp 80 80 2 2 18 Lightning Damage +4% None 1.85 44900 14970 ThiefWarfarer
Solar Ascension Dragon's Dogma 2 Solar Ascension.webp 55 85 0 0 9 Lightning Damage +1% None 1 26000 12000 MageSorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Soldier's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Soldiers Helm.webp 14 5 1 1 9 Fire Damage +1% Torched +2% 1.18 2250 750 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Sorcerer's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerers Hood.webp 28 76 0 0 8 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5%
Sleep -5%
Silence +10%
0.75 24900 8300 SorcererWarfarer
Subjugator's Sallet Dragon's Dogma 2 Subjugators Sallet.webp 95 45 2 0 33 None Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
2.52 56700 18900 FighterWarfarer
Summoner's Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Summoners Crown.webp 80 120 4 4 18 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
2.21 52290 17430 TricksterWarfarer
Tail of Simurgh Dragon's Dogma 2 Tail of Simurgh.webp 27 22 0 0 16 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.18 23490 7830 ArcherWarfarer
Twilight Star Dragon's Dogma 2 Twilight Star.webp 60 60 0 0 8 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
0.56 5200 1740 All Vocations
Uncanny Eyes Dragon's Dogma 2 Uncanny Eyes.webp 72 105 2 2 13 None None 1.2 37500 12500 TricksterWarfarer
Unseen Shadow Dragon's Dogma 2 Unseen Shadow.webp 22 6 0 1 7 None None 0.99 4500 1500 ThiefWarfarer
Valorous Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Valorous Helm.webp 69 28 0 2 24 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5%
Blighted +5%
3.49 26000 8670 WarriorWarfarer
Veil of Awakening Dragon's Dogma 2 Veil of Awakening.webp 35 60 1 1 5 None None 0.48 2700 900 TricksterWarfarer
Visage of Ja'Nuwa Dragon's Dogma 2 Visage of JaNuwa.webp 55 90 0 0 18 Fire Damage +4%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +4%
Frostbite +5%
Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Petrification +8%
2.2 22700 7570 SorcererWarfarer
Visionary's Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Visionarys Mask.webp 55 88 2 2 9 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5% 0.76 36450 12150 TricksterWarfarer
Wanderer's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Wanderers Hood.webp 2 1 0 0 3 None None 0.91 160 60 FighterArcherMageThiefWarriorMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Wardancer's Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Wardancers Hat.webp 50 69 0 0 12 Ice Damage +5% Frostbite +10%
Sleep +2%
1.57 13400 4470 MageSorcererMystic SpearhandWarfarer
White-Leather Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 White Leather Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Winged Sallet Dragon's Dogma 2 Winged Sallet.webp 42 21 0 0 27 Lightning Damage +2% Silence +10% 2.21 13800 4600 FighterWarfarer
Witch's Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Witchs Hat.webp 60 99 0 0 14 Lightning Damage +5% Blighted +5% 1.7 39600 13200 SorcererWarfarer
Wizard's Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Wizards Hat.webp 7 11 0 0 5 Fire Damage +1%
Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
0.45 2620 880 MageSorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Wolfpack Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 Wolfpack Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 1600 All Vocations
Zodiac Charm Dragon's Dogma 2 Zodiac Charm.webp 50 70 10 10 9 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
0.32 22700 7570 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer

Pages in category "Dragon's Dogma 2 - Head Armor"

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