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Dragon's Dogma 2:Magick Medal

Magick Medal
Magick Medal
Weight 0.3
Buy Price 4000
Sell Price 1200
Usage Used for equipment upgrades.
Type Material

Magick Medal is a rare, metallic coin shaped Material that can be looted from Golem's corpse in Dragon's Dogma 2. In shape it slightly resembles Electrum that also comes from Golem-type Monster. Magick Medal can be used for Weapon and Armor upgrades.

  • This item can be gifted to receive 40 favor towards NPC that is interested in this item type.
  • A maximum of 99 can be carried of this item.

How to get the Magick Medal Guide

Monster Drops

  • Golem (up to 10% chance to drop 1)


Item Categories

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