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Dragon's Dogma 2:Rampart Breaker

Rampart Breaker
Rampart Breaker
Defense 97
Magick Defense 70
Slash Res 0
Strike Res 0
Knockdown Res 25
Elemental Res None
Debilitation Res Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Weight 2.43
Buy Price 22500
Sell Price 7500
Type Body Armor
Vocation ThiefWarfarer

The Rampart Breaker is the best Chest Armor avalable in the early game of Dragon's Dogma 2 for the Thief and Warfarer Vocations. The armor set provides the highest early game defence against both magical and physical attacks. It also provides protection from Blighted Debilitation, Sleep Debilitation and Silence Debilitation.

Armor that seems to melt away in darkness. Thoroughly reinforced with leather padding to protect against attacks from all directions.

How to get the Rampart Breaker Guide

The only way to obtain the Rampart Breaker armor early in Dragon's Dogma 2 is to purchase it for 22500 gold. It is however well worth the cost since it will only be replaced by a superior armor set once the player reaches the latter region of Battahl.

Smithing Upgrade Guide

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