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Dragon's Dogma 2:Ring of Awareness

Ring of Awareness
Ring of Awareness
Effect Reduces accumulation of the wearer's Sleep value for 40
Weight 0.01
Buy Price 5000
Sell Price 1500
Type Ring
Vocation All Vocations

The Ring of Awareness is a Ring in Dragon's Dogma 2. The gameplay effect of the ring of Awareness reduces accumulation of the wearer's sleep value by 40%. It is very effective versus Harpies and other monsters that put party members to sleep.

A ring that dispels malign powers. Reduces accumulation of the wearer's sleep value

How to get the Ring of Awareness Guide


  • The ring of Awareness can be obtained in a chest atop the stone ballista watchtower north west from the city of Vernworth. You can reach the watchtower by leaving through the north west gate to the city and crossing the bridge, the watchtower is clearly visible in the distance (see 1:00 in the video guide below for the map location).
  • Can be looted from a chest within the Forgotten Tunnel dungeon, located in the far north of the Vernworth Region.


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