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Dragon's Dogma 2:Silver Rapier

Silver Rapier
Silver Rapier
Slash Damage 100
Strike Damage 0
Magick Damage 0
Strength 118
Knockdown 120
Elemental Damage None
Debilitation None
Weight 1.5
Buy Price 8500
Sell Price 2840
Type Sword
Vocation Fighter

Silver Rapier is the best Sword Weapon weapon you can get early in Dragon's Dogma 2. It's a very light, thin and nimble blade, providing moderate physical attack, delivering for precise and fast strikes. It can only be used by Fighter and Warfarer vocations.

A simple sword with a narrow blade. Lacks not for strength, as the supple silver has been capably tempered.

How to get the Silver Rapier Guide

  • The Silver Rapier can be obtained early once you reach the city of Vernworth. Go to the Pawn Guild, marked on the map by two daggers. Head to the second floor bedroom of the Shakir's Inn and use the ladder on the balcony to access the rooftops. Leap from the Inn's roof to the rooftop of the city hall building. Once there, you'll discover three treasure chests, one of which contains the Silver Rapier (see video guide below for full walkthrough).
  • Follow the video guide below from the time stamp 9:28, to find the Silver Rapier early in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Smithing Upgrade Guide

Each weapon and armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 can be upgraded 3 times. There are five possible smithing upgrade paths to choose from: Vermundian, Elven, Battahli, Dwarven and Wyrmfire each effecting the weapon or armor's stats differently.

Below you can find a list of each smithing upgrade path so you can easily compare the stats of each weapon and armor set.

Max Smithing Levels

Level Magick Strength Knockdown Weight Materials Cost


Level Magick Strength Knockdown Weight Materials Cost


Level Magick Strength Knockdown Weight Materials Cost


Level Magick Strength Knockdown Weight Materials Cost


Level Magick Strength Knockdown Weight Materials Cost


Level Magick Strength Knockdown Weight Materials Cost

Weapon Categories

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