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Dragon's Dogma 2:Torched (Debilitation)

Dragon's Dogma 2 Torched Icon.webp
Affects Arisen, Pawns, Monsters
Causes Torched (sets the target ablaze)

Torched is a significantly more severe state compared to being simply caught on fire. In this state, you are fully enveloped in flames, leading to substantial damage. You can become Torched either by first being set ablaze and then Tarred, or initially being Tarred followed by receiving Fire Damage attacks. Regardless of the sequence, a swift immersion in water can quench the fires and "cure" this condition, or by drinking Quenching Syrup.

This debilitation is much more devastating than simply catching fire. It can be caused by being hit with a fire attack while tarred, or by being tarred after catching fire. Engulfed in an inferno, you take massive damage at steady intervals; but become drenched (such as by immersing yourself in water) and the debilitation will be removed.

How To Cure Torched

Items Reducing Torched Resistance

All Debilitations

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