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Category:Dragon's Dogma 2 - Archistaves

Dragon's Dogma 2 Anathema.webp

In Dragon's Dogma 2 the Archistaves are a special type of ranged weapon exclusively wielded by the advanced Sorcerer Vocation. Compared to the Staves wielded by Mages, Archistaves are typically stronger when it comes to their prowess in Magickal Damage, enabling them to unleash formidable damage for their party.

Below you can find a list of all the Archistaffs in Dragons Dogma 2 from best to worst. You can click on the weapon name to find a guide on where to find each weapon location for yourself.

Name Image Slash Strike Magick Strength Knockdown Power Element Debilitation Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Anathema Dragon's Dogma 2 Anathema.webp 0 100 312 65 45 None Silence 45% 3.17 48000 16000 Sorcerer
Bane Archistaff Dragon's Dogma 2 Bane Archistaff.webp 0 100 345 65 100 None None 3.33 48000 16000 Sorcerer
Caged Fury Dragon's Dogma 2 Caged Fury.webp 0 100 402 120 110 None None 3.99 68000 22670 Sorcerer
Craos Tine Dragon's Dogma 2 Craos Tine.webp 0 100 197 26 75 Fire Damage 45% None 2.4 18700 6240 Sorcerer
Dragon's Wit Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon's Wit.webp 0 100 440 126 120 None None 4.21 75000 25000 Sorcerer
Favored Branches Dragon's Dogma 2 Favored Branches.webp 0 100 169 35 70 None None 2.4 14800 4940 Sorcerer
Grievous Horns Dragon's Dogma 2 Grievous Horns.webp 0 100 80 26 43 None None 2 1540 520 Sorcerer
Helical Archistaff Dragon's Dogma 2 Helical Archistaff.webp 0 100 115 45 47 None None 2.47 8200 2740 Sorcerer
Lion-Lord's Archistaff Dragon's Dogma 2 Lion-Lord's Archistaff.webp 0 100 371 120 104 Lightning Damage 10% None 3.68 56900 18970 Sorcerer
Meniscus Dragon's Dogma 2 Meniscus.webp 0 100 145 33 55 None None 2.12 9600 3200 Sorcerer
Plucked Heart Dragon's Dogma 2 Plucked Heart.webp 0 100 221 48 83 None None 2.53 24500 8170 Sorcerer
Solar Providence Dragon's Dogma 2 Solar Providence.webp 0 100 299 50 88 None None 2.79 36200 12070 Sorcerer
Talarian White Dragon's Dogma 2 Talarian White.webp 0 100 263 120 86 Holy Damage 100% None 3 28800 9600 Sorcerer

Pages in category "Dragon's Dogma 2 - Archistaves"

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