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Category:Dragon's Dogma 2 - Armor

Dragon's Dogma 2 Armor Cover.webp

Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 is a protective gear that shields Arisans and their Pawns against enemy attacks, offering various defensive capabilities. Acquisition of armor varies, ranging from quest rewards, enemy drops, chests scattered throughout the world, purchases from Merchants NPCs. Certain armor pieces and sets are exclusive to particular Vocations (classes). Armor pieces come in various types and categories, each adding a specific protection or enhance certain stats for player character or Pawns.

Armor Types

There are 5 armor types in Dragon's Dogma 2 and can be worn in specific slots in your character menu. Each item type adds various bonuses to your character build and can be found in various places around the open world.

Armor Upgrades

Armor enhancements can be done at the Blacksmiths, improving both their defensive capabilities and additional effects. If you're finding it challenging to progress the game or defeating an enemy, upgrading your Armor and Weapons would be one of the primary things improve.

Armor Categories

All Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2

All Head Armor

Dragon's Dogma 2 Blazing Soul.webp

Head Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 are pieces of protective gear worn on a character's head or face. They offer defense against various types of magical or physical attacks and provide resistance to different elements and negative effects. These headpieces, such as helmets, caps, hoods, circlets, masks, and glasses, not only shield the character but also alter their appearance. You can customize your character's defense and style by choosing different combinations of helmets to get the best armor defence/weight ratio.

For detailed information about each head armor piece, including its stats, upgrade requirements, and where to find them, refer to the linked helmet pages below.

Name Image Defense Magick Def Slash Def Strike Def Knockdown Res Element Res Debilitation Res Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Aerie's Watch Dragon's Dogma 2 Aerie's Watch.webp 25 20 1 0 9 None Blighted +12%
1.32 8900 2970 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Agamenian Galea Dragon's Dogma 2 Agamenian Galea.webp 100 35 0 0 36 Ice Damage +5%
Lightning Damage +5%
Frostbite +10%
Drenched +12%
Tarred +12%
2.66 44900 14970 WarriorWarfarer
Allesian Oxhide Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Allesian Oxhide Hood.webp 28 0 10 0 12 None None 1.3 5900 1970 FighterThiefWarriorWarfarer
Amber-Rimmed Glasses Dragon's Dogma 2 Amber Rimmed Glasses.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Bandit Eyepatch Dragon's Dogma 2 Bandit Eyepatch.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Battahli Turban Dragon's Dogma 2 Battahli Turban.webp 38 70 0 0 16 None Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
Tarred +4%
1.94 12600 4200 ArcherMageThiefSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Beastren Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Beastren Mask.webp 15 10 0 0 5 None Blighted +8% 0.81 8700 2900 All Vocations
Beseecher's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Beseechers Hood.webp 4 5 0 0 2 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Frostbite -2% 0.24 295 100 MageSorcererWarfarer
Bishop's Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Bishops Crown.webp 24 52 3 3 17 None None 2 19800 6600 MageSorcererWarfarer
Blazing Soul Dragon's Dogma 2 Blazing Soul.webp 95 40 0 2 27 None Sleep +25% 2.89 56700 18900 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Cavalier Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Cavalier Hat.webp 90 50 2 2 22 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
1.77 44900 14970 ArcherWarfarer
Cleric's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Clerics Hood.webp 65 120 0 0 15 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
Blighted +2%
Silence +2%
1.69 56700 18900 MageWarfarer
Confidant's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Confidants Hood.webp 88 73 0 0 18 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
1.62 33500 11170 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Crown of Insight Dragon's Dogma 2 Crown of Insight.webp 30 45 5 5 5 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2% 0.63 15800 5270 MageSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Crusader's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Crusaders Helm.webp 66 59 0 2 18 None None 2.33 19900 6640 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Dawn Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Dawn Hood.webp 42 38 0 0 19 None Sleep +2%
Silence +5%
1.2 13800 4600 Mystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Deadly Nightshade Dragon's Dogma 2 Deadly Nightshade.webp 60 125 0 0 24 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +10%
Frostbite +10%
2.27 56700 18900 SorcererWarfarer
Decapitator Dragon's Dogma 2 Decapitator.webp 18 11 6 0 10 None Silence +2% 0.8 6210 2070 FighterThiefWarriorWarfarer
Devotee's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Devotees Hood.webp 13 25 0 0 8 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2% 0.6 6400 2140 MageWarfarer
Disciple's Spectacles Dragon's Dogma 2 Disciples Spectacles.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Doomdove Turban Dragon's Dogma 2 Doomdove Turban.webp 40 71 0 1 11 None Sleep +10% 1.82 18000 6000 TricksterWarfarer
Dragon Knight's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon Knights Helm.webp 99 105 0 0 22 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
2.42 44900 14970 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Dyed-Cloth Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Dyed Cloth Mask.webp 5 3 0 0 4 None Tarred +2% 0.47 283 95 ThiefWarfarer
Eventide Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Eventide Mask.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Falconian Beak Dragon's Dogma 2 Falconian Beak.webp 44 18 0 0 14 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +1%
Torched +4%
Frostbite +2%
Sleep +4%
2 14400 4800 ThiefWarfarer
Farseer's Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Farseers Circlet.webp 17 32 0 -1 12 Fire Damage +4%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +8%
Frostbite +4%
0.6 23490 7830 All Vocations
Felt Cap Dragon's Dogma 2 Felt Cap.webp 5 4 0 0 2 None Tarred +4% 0.5 280 95 ArcherWarfarer
Fiendish Armet Dragon's Dogma 2 Fiendish Armet.webp 80 34 2 2 24 None None 2.89 34600 11540 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Filcher Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 Filcher Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5900 1800 All Vocations
Friar's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Friars Hood.webp 31 22 0 0 10 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Blighted +2%
1.24 8100 2700 SorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Galewind Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Galewind Helm.webp 74 50 0 5 14 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Tarred +8%
1.8 34800 11600 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Gazer's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Gazers Hood.webp 30 30 0 0 13 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
1.31 8800 2940 ThiefWarfarer
Gladiator's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Gladiators Helm.webp 30 11 0 1 6 Ice Damage -1% Frostbite -2% 1.69 5800 1940 WarriorWarfarer
Gnostic Wings Dragon's Dogma 2 Gnostic Wings.webp 40 50 0 0 9 None None 1.32 13400 4470 All Vocations
Griffin-Feather Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Griffin Feather Hood.webp 60 30 0 0 18 None Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
1.42 23800 7940 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Gryphic Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Gryphic Helm.webp 63 30 0 0 21 Lightning Damage +2% Drenched +5% 2.54 24800 8270 FighterWarfarer
Half-Frame Glasses Dragon's Dogma 2 Half Frame Glasses.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Hard-Leather Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Hard Leather Helm.webp 14 6 0 0 5 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Tarred +5%
1.3 1890 630 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Hood of Darkness Dragon's Dogma 2 Hood of Darkness.webp 90 55 0 0 11 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.4 56700 18900 ThiefWarfarer
Hood of Nonentity Dragon's Dogma 2 Hood of Nonentity.webp 65 90 10 10 14 None Blighted +8% 1.86 30000 10000 FighterArcherThiefWarriorTricksterWarfarer
Howling Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Howling Hood.webp 22 20 0 10 15 Fire Damage -1% Sleep +8% 1.17 3900 1300 FighterArcherMageThiefWarriorWarfarer
Illuminary Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Illuminary Crown.webp 35 73 0 0 11 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
1.25 24400 8140 MageTricksterWarfarer
Iron Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Iron Helm.webp 20 9 1 1 15 Fire Damage +1% Torched +2% 1.58 4400 1470 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Laurel Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Laurel Circlet.webp 65 65 0 0 15 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +2% 1.44 26000 8600 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Leafshade Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Leafshade Hood.webp 32 41 0 0 6 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
0.85 12600 4200 SorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Leather Eyepatch Dragon's Dogma 2 Leather Eyepatch.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
0.3 6700 2000 All Vocations
Lion-Lord's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Lion Lords Helm.webp 76 55 0 0 9 Lightning Damage +5% Sleep +2% 2.45 35000 11670 ThiefWarfarer
Living Altar Dragon's Dogma 2 Living Altar.webp 70 120 2 2 15 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10%
Drenched +10%
1.51 20 Wyrmslife Crystals 14970 TricksterWarfarer
Lordly Eyepatch Dragon's Dogma 2 Lordly Eyepatch.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Marcher's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Marchers Helm.webp 200 30 0 0 402 None None 0.55 1220 400 All Vocations
Mask of Concealment Dragon's Dogma 2 Mask of Concealment.webp 9 17 0 0 8 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage -2%
Torched +10%
Frostbite -5%
Blighted +8%
0.5 6210 2070 All Vocations
Meloirean Cyclops Veil Dragon's Dogma 2 Meloirean Cyclops Veil.webp 41 16 0 0 15 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10% 2.34 7250 2420 WarriorWarfarer
Midnight Turban Dragon's Dogma 2 Midnight Turban.webp 60 46 -2 -2 9 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
2.26 26000 8670 ThiefTricksterWarfarer
Monarch's Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Monarchs Crown.webp 90 50 1 1 30 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Torched +5%
Frostbite +5%
2.38 44900 14970 FighterWarfarer
Monocle Dragon's Dogma 2 Monocle.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Nose-Pinchers Dragon's Dogma 2 Nose Pinchers.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Oracular Veil Dragon's Dogma 2 Oracular Veil.webp 28 9 0 2 18 Fire Damage -2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched -5%
Frostbite +5%
0.89 13410 4470 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Persecutor's Horns Dragon's Dogma 2 Persecutors Horns.webp 76 50 0 0 28 None None 1.45 33500 11170 WarriorTricksterWarfarer
Plumed Cap Dragon's Dogma 2 Plumed Cap.webp 20 14 0 0 10 None Drenched +8% 0.62 3900 1300 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Predator's Maw Dragon's Dogma 2 Predators Maw.webp 85 45 0 2 17 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
2.28 44900 14970 ArcherWarfarer
Promethean Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Promethean Hood.webp 65 115 0 0 15 Fire Damage +5% Torched +5%
Frostbite +2%
1.6 44900 14970 SorcererWarfarer
Prowler Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 Prowler Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 3200 1000 All Vocations
Ravager-Lord's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Ravager Lords Helm.webp 63 40 0 0 21 Fire Damage -2%
Ice Damage -2%
Lightning Damage -2%
Torched -4%
Frostbite -4%
Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
1.57 19500 6500 WarriorWarfarer
Redstitch Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Redstitch Hood.webp 15 35 0 0 8 None Silence +2% 1 9450 3150 MageSorcererWarfarer
Round-Frame Glasses Dragon's Dogma 2 Round Frame Glasses.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.3 5000 2000 All Vocations
Ruminant Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Ruminant Circlet.webp 30 30 0 0 12 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5% 0.91 9900 3300 MageSorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Sage's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Sages Hood.webp 41 45 0 2 13 None Sleep +12% 1.33 14500 4840 ArcherSorcererMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Salamander Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Salamander Mask.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Scale Band Dragon's Dogma 2 Scale Band.webp 14 14 0 0 3 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +2%
Drenched +2%
0.8 5990 2000 MageThiefSorcererMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Scout's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Scouts Hood.webp 9 6 0 0 4 None None 0.62 1012 340 ArcherMageMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Sentry's Coif Dragon's Dogma 2 Sentrys Coif.webp 8 3 0 0 6 None None 1.04 710 240 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Sergeant's Armet Dragon's Dogma 2 Sergeants Armet.webp 46 22 0 0 12 None None 2.45 15400 5140 WarriorWarfarer
Serpentine Circlet Dragon's Dogma 2 Serpentine Circlet.webp 11 26 2 2 6 None Sleep +2% 0.7 6300 2100 MageSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Shrouded Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Shrouded Helm.webp 80 80 2 2 18 Lightning Damage +4% None 1.85 44900 14970 ThiefWarfarer
Solar Ascension Dragon's Dogma 2 Solar Ascension.webp 55 85 0 0 9 Lightning Damage +1% None 1 26000 12000 MageSorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Soldier's Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Soldiers Helm.webp 14 5 1 1 9 Fire Damage +1% Torched +2% 1.18 2250 750 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Sorcerer's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerers Hood.webp 28 76 0 0 8 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5%
Sleep -5%
Silence +10%
0.75 24900 8300 SorcererWarfarer
Subjugator's Sallet Dragon's Dogma 2 Subjugators Sallet.webp 95 45 2 0 33 None Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
2.52 56700 18900 FighterWarfarer
Summoner's Crown Dragon's Dogma 2 Summoners Crown.webp 80 120 4 4 18 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
2.21 52290 17430 TricksterWarfarer
Tail of Simurgh Dragon's Dogma 2 Tail of Simurgh.webp 27 22 0 0 16 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.18 23490 7830 ArcherWarfarer
Twilight Star Dragon's Dogma 2 Twilight Star.webp 60 60 0 0 8 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
0.56 5200 1740 All Vocations
Uncanny Eyes Dragon's Dogma 2 Uncanny Eyes.webp 72 105 2 2 13 None None 1.2 37500 12500 TricksterWarfarer
Unseen Shadow Dragon's Dogma 2 Unseen Shadow.webp 22 6 0 1 7 None None 0.99 4500 1500 ThiefWarfarer
Valorous Helm Dragon's Dogma 2 Valorous Helm.webp 69 28 0 2 24 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5%
Blighted +5%
3.49 26000 8670 WarriorWarfarer
Veil of Awakening Dragon's Dogma 2 Veil of Awakening.webp 35 60 1 1 5 None None 0.48 2700 900 TricksterWarfarer
Visage of Ja'Nuwa Dragon's Dogma 2 Visage of JaNuwa.webp 55 90 0 0 18 Fire Damage +4%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +4%
Frostbite +5%
Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Petrification +8%
2.2 22700 7570 SorcererWarfarer
Visionary's Mask Dragon's Dogma 2 Visionarys Mask.webp 55 88 2 2 9 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5% 0.76 36450 12150 TricksterWarfarer
Wanderer's Hood Dragon's Dogma 2 Wanderers Hood.webp 2 1 0 0 3 None None 0.91 160 60 FighterArcherMageThiefWarriorMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Wardancer's Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Wardancers Hat.webp 50 69 0 0 12 Ice Damage +5% Frostbite +10%
Sleep +2%
1.57 13400 4470 MageSorcererMystic SpearhandWarfarer
White-Leather Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 White Leather Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 2000 All Vocations
Winged Sallet Dragon's Dogma 2 Winged Sallet.webp 42 21 0 0 27 Lightning Damage +2% Silence +10% 2.21 13800 4600 FighterWarfarer
Witch's Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Witchs Hat.webp 60 99 0 0 14 Lightning Damage +5% Blighted +5% 1.7 39600 13200 SorcererWarfarer
Wizard's Hat Dragon's Dogma 2 Wizards Hat.webp 7 11 0 0 5 Fire Damage +1%
Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
0.45 2620 880 MageSorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Wolfpack Kerchief Dragon's Dogma 2 Wolfpack Kerchief.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None None 0.5 5000 1600 All Vocations
Zodiac Charm Dragon's Dogma 2 Zodiac Charm.webp 50 70 10 10 9 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
0.32 22700 7570 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer

All Body Armor

Dragon's Dogma 2 Stygian Omen.webp

Body Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 are pieces of protective gear worn on a character's torso that make up their armor set. They offer various defenses and resistances against different types of attacks and negative effects. These armor pieces, including breastplates, shirts, coats, robes, skirts, and belts, can be used to customize your character's or appearance as well as adding defensive stats. Alothough it should be noted that sokme armor sets can only be worn by certain Vocations. It's worth noting that body armor provides the highest resistance against both physical and magical damage.

For detailed information about each body armor set piece, including its stats, smithing upgrade requirements, and where to find them, refer to the linked pages below.

Name Image Defense Magick Def Slash Def Strike Def Knockdown Res Element Res Debilitation Res Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Adept's Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Adepts Coat.webp 110 86 0 4 36 None None 6.03 43600 14540 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Animistic Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Animistic Robe.webp 55 70 0 0 8 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5%
Drenched +5%
2.31 11800 3940 SorcererWarfarer
Arch-Conjuror's Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Arch Conjurors Robe.webp 130 182 8 8 36 Lightning Damage +15% Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
3.75 75000 25000 TricksterWarfarer
Archer's Vest Dragon's Dogma 2 Archers Vest.webp 74 52 0 0 6 None Drenched +10%
Tarred +10%
2.2 13900 4640 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Ares Morpho Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Ares Morpho Robe.webp 115 162 0 0 14 None Blighted +10%
Silence +15%
2.3 42800 14270 All Vocations
August Dalmatica Dragon's Dogma 2 August Dalmatica.webp 82 101 6 6 33 None None 2.68 22600 7540 MageWarfarer
Battahli Jacket Dragon's Dogma 2 Battahli Jacket.webp 38 25 0 2 11 None None 0.7 5400 1800 ThiefWarfarer
Beastren Pride Dragon's Dogma 2 Beastren Pride.webp 180 65 0 0 42 None None 4.45 53400 17800 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Bestial Boon Dragon's Dogma 2 Bestial Boon.webp 167 90 0 0 18 None None 3.6 42800 14270 ThiefWarfarer
Bladewielder's Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Bladewielders Coat.webp 98 53 0 0 22 Fire Damage +5% Torched +8%
Blighted +5%
4.25 21500 7170 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Brigand's Vest Dragon's Dogma 2 Brigands Vest.webp 14 8 0 0 3 None Drenched +5% 1.8 735 245 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Brunhilda's Embrace Dragon's Dogma 2 Brunhildas Embrace.webp 120 45 0 0 36 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched -5%
Frostbite -5%
2.56 29800 9940 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Burgundy Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Burgundy Coat.webp 108 120 0 0 12 Fire Damage +10%
Lightning Damage +5%
Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
3.29 23800 7940 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Cardinal Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Cardinal Robe.webp 135 200 0 0 30 Fire Damage +10%
Lightning Damage +5%
Torched +10%
Silence +5%
2.93 75000 25000 SorcererWarfarer
Chain Mail Dragon's Dogma 2 Chain Mail.webp 24 10 0 0 9 None None 3.34 2250 750 FighterArcherThiefWarriorWarfarer
Chanter's Half Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Chanters Half Robe.webp 65 50 5 5 14 None Sleep +5%
Silence +10%
2.5 9800 3270 MageMagick ArcherWarfarer
Charming Corset Dragon's Dogma 2 Charming Corset.webp 300 280 5 0 60 Ice Damage +5%
Lightning Damage +5%
Frostbite +5% 2.87 55450 18490 All Vocations
Courtly Tunic Dragon's Dogma 2 Courtly Tunic.webp 10 19 0 0 5 None None 1.2 155000 1200 All Vocations
Creedbound Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Creedbound Armor.webp 123 80 5 0 36 None None 4.88 32400 10800 FighterMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Deepwood Jacket Dragon's Dogma 2 Deepwood Jacket.webp 18 10 0 0 4 None Tarred +5% 2.02 1030 340 ArcherThiefMagick ArcherWarfarer
Dominator's Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Dominators Armor.webp 215 86 0 0 75 Ice Damage +10%
Lightning Damage +10%
Frostbite +20%
Silence +25%
Drenched +25%
Tarred +25%
6.8 126000 42000 WarriorWarfarer
Dominion Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Dominion Armor.webp 108 45 0 0 40 Lightning Damage +5% Silence +20% 4.84 20800 7000 FighterMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Duelist's Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Duelists Coat.webp 179 123 0 0 50 Fire Damage +10%
Ice Damage +10%
Torched +20%
Frostbite +20%
6.52 75000 25000 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Dvarapala Dragon's Dogma 2 Dvarapala.webp 192 135 5 5 38 Lightning Damage +8% None 5.44 126000 42000 ThiefWarfarer
Edified Vestment Dragon's Dogma 2 Edified Vestment.webp 140 180 0 0 27 Lightning Damage +15% Silence +30% 3.18 75000 25000 MageTricksterWarfarer
Elegant Petticoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Elegant Petticoat.webp 160 160 0 0 23 None Blighted +10% 3.02 43050 14350 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Elven Garb Dragon's Dogma 2 Elven Garb.webp 125 144 0 0 38 Lightning Damage +15% Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
Silence +10%
3.95 42000 14000 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Eminent Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Eminent Coat.webp 70 80 0 0 24 Fire Damage 20%
Ice Damage -5%
Lightning Damage -5%
Torched +30%
Frostbite -10%
3.23 14900 4970 MageWarfarer
Enchanter's Quilted Gown Dragon's Dogma 2 Enchanters Quilted Gown.webp 75 90 0 0 17 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
Silence +10%
Drenched +5%
Tarred +5%
2.2 18200 6070 MageSorcererWarfarer
Enigmatic Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Enigmatic Robe.webp 90 124 0 4 18 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10% 2.61 23500 7840 TricksterWarfarer
Enshadowed Battle Garb Dragon's Dogma 2 Enshadowed Battle Garb.webp 195 130 0 0 21 None Drenched +5%
Tarred +5%
3.88 80000 26670 ThiefWarfarer
Eonian Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Eonian Coat.webp 120 132 0 0 33 Ice Damage +6%
Fire Damage -4%
Lightning Damage -4%
Frostbite +8%
Silence +20%
3.9 38000 12670 SorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Esoteric Vestment Dragon's Dogma 2 Esoteric Vestment.webp 90 111 0 0 11 None Silence +25% 1.88 26600 8870 SorcererWarfarer
Fencer's Jacket Dragon's Dogma 2 Fencers Jacket.webp 79 40 0 0 32 None Blighted +15%
Sleep +15%
Silence +15%
Tarred +8%
3.7 12800 4270 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Final Roar Dragon's Dogma 2 Final Roar.webp 130 52 5 5 24 None Drenched -15%
Tarred -15%
3.31 29700 9900 WarriorWarfarer
Foot Soldier Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Foot Soldier Armor.webp 16 7 0 0 9 None None 2.93 820 280 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Gauntleted Petticoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Gauntleted Petticoat.webp 80 80 0 0 54 Fire Damage +10%
Ice Damage +10%
Torched +10%
Frostbite +10%
2.6 16000 5500 FighterMagick ArcherWarfarer
Godsbeast Scalecoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Godsbeast Scalecoat.webp 144 154 0 5 35 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +5%
Frostbite +5%
5.26 111450 37150 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Graceful Tunic Dragon's Dogma 2 Graceful Tunic.webp 93 70 0 0 26 Ice Damage +4% Frostbite +10% 1.98 21900 7300 FighterArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Grand Cuirass Dragon's Dogma 2 Grand Cuirass.webp 166 66 0 5 54 None None 6.25 48000 16000 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Grand Surcoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Grand Surcoat.webp 69 38 0 0 27 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5% 4.2 10900 3640 FighterMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Guardian Plate Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Guardian Plate Armor.webp 81 28 2 2 33 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5% 4.84 12800 4270 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Half-Plate Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Half Plate Armor.webp 58 20 0 0 19 None Drenched +5%
Tarred +5%
2.5 9600 3200 FighterArcherThiefWarriorWarfarer
Heroic Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Heroic Coat.webp 180 138 3 3 44 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
4.7 70 Wyrmslife Crystals 26670 ArcherWarfarer
Hunter's Mail Dragon's Dogma 2 Hunters Mail.webp 27 18 0 0 8 None Drenched +15% 2.24 3350 1120 FighterArcherThiefMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Hyperboreal Lorica Dragon's Dogma 2 Hyperboreal Lorica.webp 178 140 2 0 32 Lightning Damage +10% None 3.85 75000 25000 ArcherWarfarer
Immaculate Blaze Dragon's Dogma 2 Immaculate Blaze.webp 158 99 0 0 32 Fire Damage +30%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +30%
Frostbite +10%
Drenched +5%
Tarred +5%
3.85 52200 17400 ThiefWarfarer
Incanter's Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Incanters Coat.webp 92 135 0 0 14 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10%
Sleep -10%
Silence +20%
2.66 33600 11200 SorcererWarfarer
Indomitable Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Indomitable Armor.webp 128 62 0 5 48 Ice Damage +5% Frostbite +10%
Blighted +10%
5.33 27900 9300 WarriorWarfarer
Intrepid Scalecoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Intrepid Scalecoat.webp 98 40 0 0 21 Fire Damage +10% Torched +20% 4.51 19800 6600 WarriorWarfarer
Knightly Brigandine Dragon's Dogma 2 Knightly Brigandine.webp 195 78 2 2 63 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +10%
Frostbite +10%
5.33 75000 25000 FighterWarfarer
Lamellar Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Lamellar Armor.webp 70 38 0 0 22 Fire Damage +5% Torched +8%
Tarred +10%
3.19 12400 4140 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Magician's Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Magicians Coat.webp 35 40 0 0 5 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +5%
Frostbite +5%
2.2 4520 1510 MageSorcererWarfarer
Majestic Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Majestic Armor.webp 180 138 3 3 44 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
4.7 80000 26670 ArcherWarfarer
Marcher's Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Marchers Armor.webp 203 31 0 0 405 None None 1.3 2050 680 All Vocations
Meadow Cloth Dragon's Dogma 2 Meadow Cloth.webp 16 22 0 0 3 None None 1.75 1250 420 MageSorcererWarfarer
Meloirean Plate Dragon's Dogma 2 Meloirean Plate.webp 115 43 3 3 36 None None 5.8 20300 7000 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Miner's Shirt Dragon's Dogma 2 Miners Shirt.webp 5 2 0 0 2 None None 1.57 280 100 All Vocations
Missionary's Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Missionarys Robe.webp 12 15 0 0 2 Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +5% 1.87 780 260 MageSorcererWarfarer
Monastic Toga Dragon's Dogma 2 Monastic Toga.webp 95 131 0 0 21 None Blighted +20%
Sleep +20%
3.32 32800 10940 MageTricksterWarfarer
Mysterial Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Mysterial Robe.webp 110 158 4 4 25 None None 3.33 39200 13070 TricksterWarfarer
Nirvane Dragon's Dogma 2 Nirvane.webp 72 113 0 2 21 None Sleep +20% 2.8 16600 5540 TricksterWarfarer
Noble Jacket Dragon's Dogma 2 Noble Jacket.webp 98 75 0 0 24 Ice Damage +10% Frostbite +20%
Sleep +5%
2.86 19500 6500 ArcherMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Orphic Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Orphic Robe.webp 110 167 0 0 36 Fire Damage +8%
Ice Damage +10%
Torched +10%
Frostbite +10%
Blighted +15%
Sleep +10%
Silence +10%
Petrify +15%
3.16 46200 15400 SorcererWarfarer
Outlander's Garb Dragon's Dogma 2 Outlanders Garb.webp 52 50 0 0 17 None None 2.95 8500 2840 ThiefWarfarer
Plate Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Plate Armor.webp 47 18 0 0 21 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5% 3.97 5650 1890 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Priestly Habit Dragon's Dogma 2 Priestly Habit.webp 75 94 0 0 27 None Sleep +25% 2.36 19000 6340 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Rampart Breaker Dragon's Dogma 2 Rampart Breaker.webp 97 70 0 0 25 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
2.43 22500 7500 ThiefWarfarer
Ranger's Vest Dragon's Dogma 2 Rangers Vest.webp 41 25 0 0 18 Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +5%
Silence +5%
2.17 7900 2640 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Researcher's Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Researchers Robe.webp 35 66 0 0 14 Fire Damage +10%
Ice Damage -5%
Torched +20%
Frostbite -10%
Blighted +15%
1.65 13800 4600 All Vocations
Resonance Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Resonance Armor.webp 155 164 0 0 29 Fire Damage +10%
Ice Damage +10%
Lightning Damage +10%
Torched +20%
Frostbite -10%
Blighted +20%
4.7 69000 23000 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Robe of the Enlightened Dragon's Dogma 2 Robe of the Enlightened.webp 60 90 2 2 9 None None 2.5 5500 1840 TricksterWarfarer
Sacral Robe Dragon's Dogma 2 Sacral Robe.webp 150 185 0 0 32 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage +5%
Lightning Damage +5%
Torched +5%
Frostbite +5%
Blighted +5%
Silence +5%
2.58 80000 26670 MageWarfarer
Scaled Jacket Dragon's Dogma 2 Scaled Jacket.webp 66 22 0 2 17 Ice Damage -2% Frostbite -5% 2.56 11700 3900 ThiefWarriorWarfarer
Silhouette of Sorcery Dragon's Dogma 2 Silhouette of Sorcery.webp 145 205 0 0 27 Lightning Damage +10% Blighted +10% 2.67 80000 26670 SorcererMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Soaring Surcoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Soaring Surcoat.webp 184 118 0 0 44 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
7.01 80000 26670 Mystic SpearhandWarfarer
Soulskin Dragon's Dogma 2 Soulskin.webp 78 90 0 0 26 Lightning Damage +15% Drenched +50% 4.72 12200 4070 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Spirit Coat Dragon's Dogma 2 Spirit Coat.webp 150 185 0 0 8 Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +5%
Frostbite +5% 2.58 70 Wyrmslife Crystals 1940 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Stargazer's Garb Dragon's Dogma 2 Stargazers Garb.webp 90 140 0 0 18 Lightning Damage +2% None 2.16 34000 11300 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Stoutdraw Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Stoutdraw Armor.webp 80 62 2 0 12 None Blighted +5% 3.01 15200 5070 ArcherWarfarer
Stygian Omen Dragon's Dogma 2 Stygian Omen.webp 200 85 5 0 69 None Blighted +15%
Sleep +15%
Silence +15%
5.8 80000 26670 FighterWarfarer
Thrasher's Surcoat Dragon's Dogma 2 Thrashers Surcoat.webp 176 70 0 0 57 None Sleep +50% 5.9 54200 18070 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Totemic Shroud Dragon's Dogma 2 Totemic Shroud.webp 140 177 5 5 30 Fire Damage +10% Torched +20%
Drenched +20%
3.37 80000 26670 TricksterWarfarer
Tribal Brace Dragon's Dogma 2 Tribal Brace.webp 43 18 0 0 27 Fire Damage -2% Sleep +15% 3.79 3800 1270 WarriorWarfarer
Valiant Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Valiant Armor.webp 134 40 0 0 42 Lightning Damage +5% Drenched +10% 5 32000 10670 FighterWarfarer
Valkyrian Scalecloth Dragon's Dogma 2 Valkyrian Scalecloth.webp 159 100 0 2 28 Fire Damage +5% Torched +8%
Tarred +15%
3.54 42200 14070 ArcherWarfarer
Vanquisher's Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Vanquishers Armor.webp 140 84 0 5 35 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
5.15 37000 12340 ThiefWarfarer
Vashara Scaleskin Dragon's Dogma 2 Vashara Scaleskin.webp 220 79 0 4 69 Fire Damage +8%
Lightning Damage +10%
Torched +8% 6.11 106800 35600 WarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Verger's Gown Dragon's Dogma 2 Vergers Gown.webp 60 65 0 0 8 Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +5%
Frostbite +5%
Sleep +5%
2.15 10200 3400 MageSorcererWarfarer
Wildeagle Padded Armor Dragon's Dogma 2 Wildeagle Padded Armor.webp 92 63 0 0 26 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage +2%
Torched +8%
Frostbite +5%
Sleep +8%
4.9 20800 6940 ArcherThiefWarfarer

All Leg Armor

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vanguarders Greaves.webp

Leg Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 refers to the protective gear worn on a character's feet and/or legs. These pieces offer various defensive properties and resistances against different types of attacks and negative effects. Leg Armor includes a range of items such as boots, greaves, cuisses, kilts, and pants, which not only shield the character or but also alter their appearance. Some armor set pieces are exclusive to certain class vocations.

You can find a list of all leg armor set piece, including its stats and upgrade requirements, linked on the pages below. If you're seeking specifics about where to find each piece and how to upgrade them, those details are also available in the provided links.

Name Image Defense Magick Def Slash Def Strike Def Knockdown Res Element Res Debilitation Res Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Apprentice's Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Apprentices Breeches.webp 22 41 0 0 8 Fire Damage +5%
Ice Damage -2%
Torched +10%
Frostbite -5%
Blighted +8%
1.01 7590 2530 All Vocations
Arena Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Arena Breeches.webp 103 63 0 0 18 None Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
2.7 33100 11040 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandTricksterWarfarer
Ascetic Gaiters Dragon's Dogma 2 Ascetic Gaiters.webp 55 70 0 2 15 None Sleep +12% 2.04 15200 5070 MageThiefTricksterWarfarer
Assassin's Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Assassins Breeches.webp 120 70 0 0 12 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.94 56700 18900 ThiefWarfarer
Bandit Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Bandit Greaves.webp 40 5 0 0 12 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10% 1.94 6800 2270 WarriorWarfarer
Beast-Leather Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Beast-Leather Breeches.webp 68 25 1 0 8 None Blighted +2% 2.2 14800 4940 ArcherThiefMagick ArcherWarfarer
Blessed Waistcloth Dragon's Dogma 2 Blessed Waistcloth.webp 55 60 0 0 11 Lightning Damage +2% Silence +10% 1.56 12500 4200 All Vocations
Braided Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Braided Boots.webp 85 75 4 4 12 None Sleep +10% 1.37 16800 5600 All Vocations
Brutal Cuisses Dragon's Dogma 2 Brutal Cuisses.webp 106 38 2 2 27 None None 2.9 32800 10940 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Bush Raiders Dragon's Dogma 2 Bush Raiders.webp 50 9 0 0 15 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +2% 2.16 7500 2500 FighterArcherThiefWarriorMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Cliff Leapers Dragon's Dogma 2 Cliff Leapers.webp 115 81 2 2 21 Lightning Damage +4% None 2.66 44900 14970 ThiefWarfarer
Combat Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Combat Breeches.webp 24 17 0 0 6 None None 1.63 3200 1070 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Conqueror's Sabatons Dragon's Dogma 2 Conquerors Sabatons.webp 121 44 1 1 36 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Torched +5%
Frostbite +5%
3.4 44900 14970 FighterWarfarer
Courtly Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Courtly Breeches.webp 7 13 0 0 3 None None 1.04 150000 950 All Vocations
Crimson Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Crimson Hosen.webp 99 70 0 2 20 Fire Damage +1%
Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
2.77 32000 10670 ArcherSorcererMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Dapper Chausses Dragon's Dogma 2 Dapper Chausses.webp 83 55 10 10 14 Ice Damage +5% Frostbite +10%
Sleep +2%
2.46 28000 9340 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherTricksterWarfarer
Darkmetal Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Darkmetal Greaves.webp 64 28 0 0 9 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
2.2 15900 5300 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Dauntless Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Dauntless Greaves.webp 80 28 0 2 27 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +5%
Blighted +5%
2.1 16800 5600 WarriorWarfarer
Diabolic Cuisses Dragon's Dogma 2 Diabolic Cuisses.webp 108 39 0 2 36 Fire Damage +4%
Lightning Damage +4%
Torched +4% 3 33800 11270 WarriorWarfarer
Eagle-Eye Cuisses Dragon's Dogma 2 Eagle-Eye Cuisses.webp 120 75 2 2 24 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
2.43 56700 18900 ArcherWarfarer
Epiphanic Waistguard Dragon's Dogma 2 Epiphanic Waistguard.webp 68 97 2 2 20 Fire Damage +4%
Ice Damage +5%
Torched +4%
Frostbite +5%
Blighted +8%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
Petrification +8%
2.1 35800 11940 SorcererWarfarer
Euphoric Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Euphoric Hosen.webp 40 53 3 3 18 None None 1.5 13700 4570 MageSorcererWarfarer
Evergreen Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Evergreen Greaves.webp 94 94 0 0 21 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
Silence +5%
2.86 37500 12500 ArcherMagick ArcherWarfarer
Executioner's Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Executioners Greaves.webp 126 55 0 0 30 None Sleep +25% 2.85 56700 18900 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Explorer's Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Explorers Boots.webp 5 3 0 0 3 None Drenched +2% 1.22 220 75 All Vocations
Forest Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Forest Greaves.webp 17 17 0 0 5 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2% 1.38 2300 770 Magick ArcherWarfarer
Furred Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Furred Greaves.webp 26 22 0 0 5 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Tarred +5%
1.63 4500 1500 ArcherThiefMagick ArcherWarfarer
Guardian Leg Plates Dragon's Dogma 2 Guardian Leg Plates.webp 52 18 1 1 18 Fire Damage +1% Torched +2% 2.35 11550 3850 FighterWarfarer
Hillfolk Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Hillfolk Breeches.webp 50 20 0 0 15 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +1%
Torched +4%
Frostbite +2%
Sleep +4%
2.21 9200 3070 ArcherMageThiefSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Jewel-Woven Sandals Dragon's Dogma 2 Jewel-Woven Sandals.webp 70 88 4 4 20 Lightning Damage +8% Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
1.22 26600 8870 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Journeyer's Sirwal Dragon's Dogma 2 Journeyers Sirwal.webp 38 20 3 3 8 None None 0.82 3300 1100 All Vocations
Laborer's Trousers Dragon's Dogma 2 Laborers Trousers.webp 3 1 0 0 2 None None 1.08 200 70 All Vocations
Landwalkers Dragon's Dogma 2 Landwalkers.webp 11 10 0 0 3 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2%
Sleep +2%
1.3 990 330 All Vocations
Lionel Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Lionel Hosen.webp 47 15 0 0 11 Lightning Damage +5% Sleep +2% 1.81 7200 2400 FighterArcherThiefWarriorMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Marcher's Cuisses Dragon's Dogma 2 Marcher's Cuisses.webp 200 30 0 0 403 None None 1.05 1480 500 All Vocations
Mercenary Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Mercenary Hosen.webp 95 70 5 5 11 Fire Damage -2%
Ice Damage +3%
Lightning Damage -2%
Frostbite +4%
Silence +10%
2.02 29710 9910 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Mettlesome Cuisses Dragon's Dogma 2 Mettlesome Cuisses.webp 129 50 0 0 15 Fire Damage -1% None 3 44900 14970 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Miner's Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Miners Hosen.webp 24 20 1 0 5 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Frostbite +2% 1.2 2450 800 All Vocations
Monkish Gaiters Dragon's Dogma 2 Monkish Gaiters.webp 55 70 2 2 6 None None 1.23 3900 1300 TricksterWarfarer
Napped-Leather Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Napped-Leather Boots.webp 13 15 0 0 4 None Drenched +5%
Tarred +5%
1.5 1240 420 All Vocations
Neophyte's Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Neophytes Hosen.webp 65 80 0 0 12 None Blighted +10%
Sleep +10%
2.23 24300 8100 MageTricksterWarfarer
Nightfall Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Nightfall Greaves.webp 70 34 0 0 8 Fire Damage +2% Torched +5%
Sleep -5%
Silence +10%
1.6 15800 5270 All Vocations
Over-Knee Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Over-Knee Boots.webp 52 30 0 0 3 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +2%
Drenched +2%
1.56 9900 3300 All Vocations
Patroller Knee Guards Dragon's Dogma 2 Patroller Knee Guards.webp 32 12 0 0 12 Fire Damage +1% Torched +2% 1.9 4210 1400 FighterArcherWarriorWarfarer
Peddler's Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Peddlers Boots.webp 16 19 0 0 3 None Silence +2% 1.2 2450 820 MageSorcererWarfarer
Pilgrim's Tights Dragon's Dogma 2 Pilgrims Tights.webp 5 9 0 0 2 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +1%
Frostbite +2% 0.67 410 135 MageSorcererWarfarer
Practitioner's Hosen Dragon's Dogma 2 Practitioners Hosen.webp 66 79 2 0 17 Fire Damage +5%
Lightning Damage +1%
Torched +5%
Silence +2%
1.95 24500 8170 SorcererMagick ArcherWarfarer
Ranger's Tights Dragon's Dogma 2 Rangers Tights.webp 45 30 0 0 8 Ice Damage +1%
Lightning Damage +2%
Frostbite +2% 1.67 9800 3260 ArcherThiefMagick ArcherWarfarer
Raptor Claws Dragon's Dogma 2 Raptor Claws.webp 74 26 0 0 24 Lightning Damage +2% Drenched +5% 3.1 16500 5500 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Rapturous Raffia Skirt Dragon's Dogma 2 Rapturous Raffia Skirt.webp 72 92 2 2 18 Fire Damage +5% Torched +10%
Drenched +10%
1.62 33800 11270 TricksterWarfarer
Rathe Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Rathe Greaves.webp 88 30 0 0 20 None Sleep -5%
Silence +5%
2.16 25200 8400 ArcherThiefMystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Runic Gaiters Dragon's Dogma 2 Runic Gaiters.webp 90 110 2 2 15 None None 1.56 56700 18900 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Sabatons of Judgment Dragon's Dogma 2 Sabatons of Judgment.webp 92 49 0 0 30 Lightning Damage +2% Silence +10% 3.26 23000 7670 FighterWarfarer
Savant's Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Savants Boots.webp 24 32 0 0 8 None Sleep +2%
Silence +5%
1.16 6770 2260 MageSorcererWarfarer
Scarlet Over-Knee Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Scarlet Over-Knee Boots.webp 45 40 0 2 15 Lightning Damage +5% Blighted +5% 2 9800 3270 All Vocations
Scholar's Breeches Dragon's Dogma 2 Scholars Breeches.webp 92 106 0 0 18 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Lightning Damage +2%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
Blighted +2%
Silence +2%
1.66 56700 18900 MageWarfarer
Spellweaver's Waistcloth Dragon's Dogma 2 Spellweavers Waistcloth.webp 60 70 0 0 11 Lightning Damage +1% None 1.23 12800 4200 MageSorcererTricksterWarfarer
Sprinter's Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Sprinters Boots.webp 42 18 0 0 12 None Drenched +8% 1.88 7900 2630 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Strider's Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Striders Greaves.webp 102 99 0 0 24 None Blighted +5%
Sleep +5%
3.28 56700 18900 Mystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Stylish Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Stylish Boots.webp 45 35 0 0 12 Fire Damage +2% Torched +4%
Blighted +2%
2.15 7200 2400 Mystic SpearhandMagick ArcherWarfarer
Thief's Gaiters Dragon's Dogma 2 Thiefs Gaiters.webp 50 10 0 0 8 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
1.3 7600 2540 ThiefWarfarer
Traveler's Gaiters Dragon's Dogma 2 Travelers Gaiters.webp 20 8 0 1 6 Ice Damage -1% Frostbite -2% 1.5 2200 740 FighterArcherThiefWarriorWarfarer
Vanguarder's Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Vanguarders Greaves.webp 131 45 0 0 42 Ice Damage +5%
Lightning Damage +5%
Silence +12%
Drenched +12%
Tarred +12%
3.55 56700 18900 FighterWarriorWarfarer
Venator's Leggings Dragon's Dogma 2 Venators Leggings.webp 80 53 2 0 20 None None 2.84 34200 11400 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer
Vigilant Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Vigilant Greaves.webp 116 42 2 0 36 None Blighted +8%
Sleep +8%
Silence +8%
3.58 35800 11940 FighterWarfarer
Wildland Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Wildland Greaves.webp 72 20 0 2 18 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
2.53 15600 5200 ArcherThiefMagick ArcherWarfarer
Woodland Boots Dragon's Dogma 2 Woodland Boots.webp 8 5 0 0 4 None Tarred +2% 1.2 415 140 ArcherThiefWarfarer
Worker's Greaves Dragon's Dogma 2 Workers Greaves.webp 9 4 0 0 6 None None 1.45 420 140 FighterWarriorMystic SpearhandWarfarer

All Cloaks

Dragon's Dogma 2 Guerco Peafowl Feathercloak.webp

In Dragon's Dogma 2 Cloaks serve as armor pieces placed on a character's back or around their neck. Most Cloaks provide very little in the way of armor stats but can boost resistances against different types of attacks and negative effects. Cloaks come in diverse forms such as capes and scarves, which not only offer protection but are mainly employed to customise the character's or appearance.

Detailed information about every cloak in Dragons Dogma 2, including its stats and upgrade requirements, can be found on the linked pages below. For tips on where to locate each cloak and how to enhance them, refer to the provided links.

Name Image Defense Magick Def Slash Def Strike Def Knockdown Res Element Res Debilitation Res Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Abyssinal Neck Wrap Dragon's Dogma 2 Abyssinal Neck Wrap.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Blighted +3%
Sleep +3%
0.73 17000 6800 All Vocations
Admiral's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Admirals Mantle.webp 0 0 2 0 0 None Drenched +3%
Tarred +3%
1.15 9125 3650 All Vocations
Ascendant Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Ascendant Cloak.webp 0 0 1 1 1 None None 1.25 13400 4300 All Vocations
Azure Shawl Dragon's Dogma 2 Azure Shawl.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +3% Frostbite +3%
Sleep +3%
0.9 8000 2500 All Vocations
Ceremonial Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Ceremonial Cape.webp 0 1 0 0 0 None Petrification +2% 1.11 2250 900 All Vocations
Champion's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Champions Mantle.webp 1 0 0 1 0 Lightning Damage +3% None 1.4 8500 3400 All Vocations
Comforting Neck Wrap Dragon's Dogma 2 Comforting Neck Wrap.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
Petrification +2%
0.76 2250 900 All Vocations
Commander's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Commanders Mantle.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +2% Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.3 12000 2480 All Vocations
Dashing Capelet Dragon's Dogma 2 Dashing Capelet.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Damage +2% Torched +2%
Sleep +2%
0.66 3650 880 All Vocations
Drakescale Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Drakescale Cape.webp 1 0 0 1 0 Fire Damage +3% Torched +3% 1.12 13400 4300 All Vocations
Duty's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Dutys Mantle.webp 1 0 1 0 1 None None 1.1 9125 3650 All Vocations
Expeditioner's Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Expeditioners Cloak.webp 0 0 1 1 1 None None 0.76 6700 1500 All Vocations
Fair Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Fair Cloak.webp 0 1 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +3% Torched +3% 0.89 3125 1250 All Vocations
Feathered Shawl Dragon's Dogma 2 Feathered Shawl.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Blighted +3%
Petrification +3%
Drenched +3%
0.8 8000 2500 All Vocations
General's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Generals Mantle.webp 1 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +2%
Blighted +2%
None 1.1 9125 3650 All Vocations
Glorious Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Glorious Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 1 None Tarred +2% 0.7 2250 1440 All Vocations
Guerco Peafowl Feathercloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Guerco Peafowl Feathercloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +3%
Lightning Damage +3%
Frostbite +3% 0.99 22500 7000 All Vocations
Heraldic Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Heraldic Cape.webp 0 1 0 0 0 None Silence +2% 1.1 4600 1840 All Vocations
Hide Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Hide Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Damage +1% Torched +1%
Tarred +1%
0.83 1050 420 All Vocations
Hollow Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Hollow Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
0.57 1200 480 All Vocations
Homespun Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Homespun Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Drenched +3%
Tarred +3%
0.55 450 110 All Vocations
Imperial Shoulder Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Imperial Shoulder Cape.webp 0 1 1 0 0 None Sleep +3%
Petrification +3%
0.9 6200 2480 All Vocations
Kindred Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Kindred Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 1 Fire Damage +2% Torched +2% 1.02 5500 2200 All Vocations
Legacy Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Legacy Cloak.webp 0 1 1 0 0 None Blighted +3% 1.3 13850 5540 All Vocations
Legend's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Legends Mantle.webp 1 0 0 0 0 None Petrification +2% 1.21 21050 8420 All Vocations
Linen Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Linen Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
Drenched +2%
1.03 14000 4200 All Vocations
Lupine Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Lupine Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +2%
Drenched +2%
1.23 3200 1250 All Vocations
Monarch's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Monarchs Mantle.webp 0 1 0 0 0 None None 1.08 8980 3000 All Vocations
Moonhowl Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Moonhowl Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Damage +2%
Ice Damage +2%
Torched +2%
Frostbite +2%
0.93 9125 3650 All Vocations
Murky Grouse Feathercloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Murky Grouse Feathercloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Silence +2%
Drenched +2%
0.99 17000 5800 All Vocations
Philosopher's Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Philosophers Cape.webp 0 1 0 0 0 None Silence +3%
Petrification +3%
0.95 5200 1600 All Vocations
Pioneer's Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Pioneers Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 1 None Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
1.3 3600 1200 All Vocations
Regal Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Regal Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +3% None 1.08 2250 900 All Vocations
Saint Idreum's Stole Dragon's Dogma 2 Saint Idreums Stole.webp 0 1 0 1 0 None Silence +3% 0.84 13400 5360 All Vocations
Saurianscale Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Saurianscale Cape.webp 0 0 0 1 0 Fire Damage +2% Torched +2%
Blighted +2%
1.04 1280 512 All Vocations
Sentinel's Shoulder Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Sentinels Shoulder Cape.webp 1 0 0 0 1 None None 0.9 11000 4080 All Vocations
Shadewalker's Neck Wrap Dragon's Dogma 2 Shadewalkers Neck Wrap.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +2% 0.85 2300 900 All Vocations
Soft Neck Wrap Dragon's Dogma 2 Soft Neck Wrap.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +1% Frostbite +1%
Drenched +1%
0.76 500 200 All Vocations
Uniter's Mantle Dragon's Dogma 2 Uniters Mantle.webp 0 1 0 1 0 Ice Damage +3% Frostbite +3% 1.3 13400 5360 All Vocations
Velvet Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Velvet Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 0 None Silence +3%
Drenched +3%
Tarred +3%
1.06 5500 1800 All Vocations
Vermundian Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Vermundian Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +2% Drenched +2%
Tarred +2%
0.97 3650 880 All Vocations
Voyager's Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Voyagers Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +2%
Silence +2%
0.75 875 350 All Vocations
Warbler Capelet Dragon's Dogma 2 Warbler Capelet.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +2% Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
Tarred +2%
0.46 15000 5000 All Vocations
Waterfowl Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Waterfowl Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +2%
Sleep +2%
Silence +2%
0.37 10000 3500 All Vocations
Wayfarer's Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Wayfarers Cape.webp 1 0 0 0 0 Lightning Damage +2% Blighted +2% 1.1 17000 6800 All Vocations
Windbreaking Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Windbreaking Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Ice Damage +2% Frostbite +2%
Blighted +2%
Sleep +2%
0.37 12000 4000 All Vocations
Wyrmhunter's Cloak Dragon's Dogma 2 Wyrmhunters Cloak.webp 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Damage +3%
Lightning Damage +3%
Torched +3% 1.23 16700 6680 All Vocations
Wyrmwing Cape Dragon's Dogma 2 Wyrmwing Cape.webp 0 0 0 0 1 Fire Damage +3% Torched +3% 1.08 5200 1750 All Vocations

All Shields

Dragon's Dogma 2 Continental Shield.webp

Shields are a defensive weapon employed by the Fighter Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 to block physical attacks and stun targets. Some shields deal more damage than others and have a high chance to knock down foes when used offensively. Shields can be equipped alongside Maces and Swords.

Below you can find a list of how to get all the Warrior Shield locations in Dragons Dogma 2 alongside their base statistics and smithing upgrades.

Name Image Slash Strike Magick Strength Knockdown Power Element Debilitation Weight Buy Price Sell Price Vocation
Battahli Shield Dragon's Dogma 2 Battahli Shield.webp 0 100 0 80 223 None None 2.11 12500 4170 Fighter
Continental Shield Dragon's Dogma 2 Continental Shield.webp 0 100 0 95 248 None None 2.4 17800 5940 Fighter
Daughter of the Evening Dragon's Dogma 2 Daughter of the Evening.webp 0 100 0 80 290 None None 4.4 50000 16670 Fighter
Dragon's Aegis Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon's Aegis.webp 0 100 0 186 304 None None 3.4 40000 13340 Fighter
Dragon's Faith Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon's Faith.webp 100 0 0 130 278 None None 2.8 24900 8300 Fighter
Dread Aspis Dragon's Dogma 2 Dread Aspis.webp 0 100 0 156 298 None None 3.2 38000 12670 Fighter
Feather-Light Pelta Dragon's Dogma 2 Feather-Light Pelta.webp 0 100 0 47 192 None None 1.2 3800 1270 Fighter
Iron Shield Dragon's Dogma 2 Iron Shield.webp 0 100 0 38 172 None None 2 1600 540 Fighter
Lustrous Targe Dragon's Dogma 2 Lustrous Targe.webp 0 100 0 62 217 None None 2.08 15000 5000 Fighter
Round Shield Dragon's Dogma 2 Round Shield.webp 0 100 0 29 100 None None 1.47 530 180 Fighter
Shield of Vernworth Dragon's Dogma 2 Shield of Vernworth.webp 0 100 0 57 212 None None 2.4 8700 2900 Fighter
Superior Round Shield Dragon's Dogma 2 Superior Round Shield.webp 0 100 0 41 100 None None 1.47 530 180 Fighter

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